🌀 No one has control over your life

You are the director of your life movie

No one outside of yourself can control you.

Many of us believe that our governments, education systems, family lineages, media, etc. have control over our direction in life.

But it is this very thought that keeps us under this imaginary influence.

There is no doubt that there is no shortage of people wishing to influence your life path forward. Some are well-intentioned and others are not.

However, it is only you who can decide where you take your life and what you make of it.

The reason I am saying this is because I have heard one too many people this week explaining how their government and education system is looking to control them.

And that they are in a war between good and bad.

But that is never the case.

It is only the case for those who wish to engage in that stream of thought.

You’re a beautiful, free life, and you can choose what you want to do with your beautiful freedom.

That’s why meditation is so important.

It makes it blatantly obvious that your life path is totally up to you.

It is not up to your DNA, government, education, or circumstances.

It is up to you to determine how influenced you will be by them.

But remember, nothing can influence you if you do not allow it to!

So I say again, meditation.

Bring clarity to your thoughts and emotions, so that you always know which ones are yours and which ones are worth following.

See you all Tuesday!

This video can help:

So can this: