🏔️ The Self-Belief Equation

Overcoming the inner hurdle of self-belief

Welcome to your Weekly Insights

Today at a glance:

  • The Self-Belief Equation

  • Video of the week

  • Weekly Poem

  • Book of the week

🏔️ The Self-Belief Equation

Hola everyone,

Something I have learned over the past two years of so, has been what I am calling the self-belief equation.

Self-belief tends to be the hurdle that stands in the way of our dreams. It tends to be the journey between the bottom and top of the mountain.

But attaining self-belief can almost seem impossible when we feel alone in our journey.

Today I will share the three things that have helped me develop my self-belief as I journey up my own inner mountain.

First I want to ask you, how much do you believe in yourself?

Honestly, on a scale of 1-10, how much?


What’s your answer?

Now, ask yourself why you have landed on that number. Is it because of past failures or successes, or does it just feel like the natural number for you to land on?

Answering this question is so important for those of you who wish to accomplish real goals in your life.

And the beautiful thing about life is that it’s never too late and there is never a lack of support from life itself.

So now onto the juice of today’s newsletter: The Self-Belief Equation

Self-Belief = Action + Joy + Trust

It is in my experience and in the experience of many others, that once we are able to take steps in the direction of the mountain top, with joyous excitement about reaching the top and trust that we can get there - then nothing can stand in our way of reaching that mountain top.

And of course, it’s easier said than done but it can be done so we say it.

Try this:

  • Think about (but mainly feel out) what your mountain top is. What is your wildest dream - and begin to feel it!

  • Now, find one action you can take today to help you walk towards that mountain top. Big or small it doesn’t matter, just try something.

  • Continue to work on it every day with the same joyous feeling you have when you think about it long enough.

  • Finally, trust that you are being supported by this entire universe. Just trust this very life.

If you do this every day - I guarantee that life will not be able to deny you of your dreams.

Also, if you struggle with trusting life - try this:

  • When you wake up in the morning, place your hand over your heart and just say thank you. Do this again before going to bed. With consistency your whole approach to life will transform.

It is often said that our dreams are on the other side of fear, and I couldn’t agree more.

So hopefully this helps you analyze your own dreams and capabilities to make them a reality.

You are everything you need, you have everything you need.

So just start, and see where it takes you.

Have a great week!

Video of the week:

Today’s poem is in honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:

Homage to the First People

The collective dream was no more

The day we met them on that shore

The land is ours but they didn’t listen

Their fear filled hearts knew what they wanted

Our people stood no chance

Millions wiped away

Voices silenced and wisdom lost

But today is a new day

The future is bright and balance is a must

This land will return to its original plan

Love and Peace, for all to see

Love and Peace, the new currency


And… our Book of the Week: Ask and It Is Given

A phenomenal book. My sister actually gave it to me for my birthday this year. I couldn’t recommend it more.

Your dreams are so close, it just requires alignment.

Work with me 1:1 to establish alignment with your Divine purpose.

  • Learn to uncover the inner peace that is available 24/7

  • Set the foundations for your dream life

  • Learn to attract your hearts desires

  • Learn to live in alignment

  • Remove inner blockages

  • & much more..